Saturday, December 25, 2010

13 Most Beautiful

So, coming to the end of the year I've been reminiscing quite a lot. And as far as 'work' goes, by far the biggest thing which happened was winning the senior category of the New Zealand International Arts Festival review-writing competition for my review of Andy Warhol's 13 Most Beautiful. It was enough to get me a permanent writing position at Tearaway Magazine and what seemed to be the position of events-reviewer at Wellington College. What I still laugh about is the fact that I wrote it on a whim, in about 15 minutes, the night the competition closed, and there's aspects of it which I'd edit.
So here's my piece and here's to Andy Warhol!

Walking into the Wellington Town Hall with band equipment and a projector screen at the front certainly sets a different atmosphere. The audience were absolutely wired, and apparently it was contagious as everyone took their seats in anticipation. This was to redefine what we knew of Marilyn artist Andy Warhol. 

Amazing in its originality, Dean and Britta set the scene in style playing somewhat of an electronica theme song for Richard Rheem as the screen test of him- the former boyfriend of Andy Warhol- played behind the untouched instruments. The musicians, unnoticed, only arrived as Richard’s time came to an end, and from then on they treated the stage with the utmost confidence of ownership. They know their creation is quite the spectacle, and as it was unlike anything most of the very mixed audience had ever experienced before it was totally transfixing. 

The music throughout fitted naturally and instinctively with these intimate portraits of the individuals in Warhol’s life, evoking strong emotional response throughout as you felt somewhat of a connection forming between you and the Beauties with their demonstrations of pure, unrehearsed and spontaneous emotions. You pitied Dennis Hopper’s frown. You laughed at Ingrid Superstar’s perfected but insecure posing. Dean and Britta carried you through each of them by briefly outlining each Beauty’s life and their connections with Warhol. Mostly they were sad stories, and a thought-provoking commentary of the effect of fame upon the humanity of individuals. 

What you could easily pass off as black and white experiments by an artist well-known in the film industry for his Avant-Garde work, were colourised and brightened by the heartfelt performance of two incredibly talented and creative interpretive musicians. You couldn’t help but be transfixed by the depth of this show. It was a stunner. 

But yeah, basically Andy Warhol is amazing. I know that way too many people like him and I just sound boring and typical but really, he had something!



Thursday, December 16, 2010


., originally uploaded by Zaaane.

This photo was the one everyone seemed to like most out of my photography on display at the Zeal exhibition... I like it too and took a few more like it which can be found on my flickr (see the foot of this blog for my photostream and a link). Anyway, I'm keen to photograph these guys again in the new year! I have about two weeks in February back in Welly before heading down to Dunedin for university so must remember to have another day of this :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Pedals, originally uploaded by Zaaane.

Photo I took of my Boss pedal collection just before we left for the US. Kinda like it :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

In America!

Sooo the flying was atrocious as always- you know, children and the like- but we're here safe which is always a good start! Spent two nights in Miami and now in Orlando; just been relaxing really but also have heaps of thoughts rocking through my mind... With a rental van-type car with automatically opening/closing doors and boot, and every second building being a fast-food joint, it's no wonder that obesity is a problem here. It's also kinda disgusting that everyone seems to have HUGE gas-guzzling SUVs as town cars... FOR ONE PERSON! Also, no-one here can drive to save their lives... The wealth of the states has created an equal poverty for some, and I was close to tears watching an old lady who reminded me of my Nana walking up and down the main street in Miami begging (we gave her money of course, my whole family was upset). But there are also some really inspirational aspects. The fact that 'tipping' is how everyone earns most of their cash here means that service is absolutely amazing and everyone's incredibly nice. Everyone also seems to enjoy drinking "light" beer and there's extensive advertising for it. With this stuff you'd pop before you were even remotely tipsy and I think little New Zealand can learn a heck of a lot from it!

SUB-POST... Nature Needs Heroes
On a lighter note, today we hit the shops for a bit! Bought a really nice pullover from Izod and two pairs of Timberland boat shoes. What I didn't realise is that they were from Timberland's "474" line to celebrate the opening of their new shop at 474 Broadway in New York. (Timberland is an inspirational brand btw. They're a shoe brand but very proud of how small their own environmental 'footprint' is- with a sticker on the bottom of their shoes stating figures for renewable energy used, chemicals used, eco-conscious materials used, 100% recycled content of shoebox, and the number of trees they planted from 2006 to reduce their climate impact)
The "474" Boat Shoe line consists of 4 different styles and only 45 of each was made. I bought 2 styles hehe collector much?  In all fairness I could have bought the whole line too and probably would've if I realised what they were!

Here are the two styles I bought...
I like! Keep rockin' people and I'll keep you posted :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Welcome To My Nightmare

Welcome To My Nightmare, originally uploaded by Zaaane.
A friend really liked this photo I took so yeah, blog it!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

This guy is pure inspiration. You may think it's a bit trying to sit and watch this entire lecture on-line, but you'd be surprised. Randy Pausch is an amazing speaker, and with two months left to live he has such a positive outlook on life. This is what a fulfilled life is all about- if you set out to achieve your childhood dreams, you basically will. As Walt Disney said, "If you can dream it, you can do it", and what Randy shows is that if you do it, you're fully capable of being happy with your life even if it's cut dramatically short. I'm reading the accompanying book at the moment too, and strongly recommend it.

Seriously, I know it's an old message but live your life to the full. Don't have regrets. And it will be AMAZING

Sooo, my list? From what I remember, here we go;
  • Be a published writer (hmm Tearaway doesn't count. Imma write a book!)
  • Be a recognised artist (this may be hard...)
  • Save peoples lives (yup, very vague. I'll be a surgeon...)
  • Become a rock-star (may have to redefine this one!)
  • Completely design my own outfit (hahaha yup, I was a weird little boy)
I'm sure there would have been more sooo work in progress yah!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Recycle Design

Isn't this suitcase chair just beautiful? It's certainly something I'd love in my place :)
There are so many creative options in the world we can choose for recycling old "stuff"- chairs like this should act as an inspiration to really try and give everything a second life. This has got me thinking about how I've recently been trying to get my wide-angle camera lens fixed (somehow I've jammed the autofocus). I find it really sad that it will cost me less to buy a whole new lens than to get my current one fixed- we're living in a terribly wasteful society and it's such a breath of fresh air to see people making things like this!

Childrens Drawings... Revisited

I've always loved the artwork of children because of its fascinating lack of boundaries- what kids draw is completely limitless. But sometimes it's really hard to actually picture what they're showing because it totally defies any laws of reality. Korean artist Yeondoo Jung is truly unique, setting out to turn the drawings of 5-7 year old children into reality in his photographic series "Wonderland". The results are amazing...

"Afternoon Nap"

"Fox's Magic Trick"

"He Didn't Sleep For Three Days"

"Rabbit Family Hopping Around"

"Three Brothers Riding The Rainbow Waves"

You can find more here on Yeondoo Jung's website. It's worth having a cruise around his other stuff too!

Keep cool people :)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Slash Still Rocks

When Slash released his self-titled solo album earlier this year, everyone sorta guessed the guest vocals list pretty well with the likes of Iggy Pop and Alice Cooper. But what people didn't guess- and were very quick to criticise- was an appearance by Fergie. And at the end of the day, everyone had to take a second listen because she has straight-up amazing rock vocals.

This here would be the new video clip for Beautiful Dangerous with Fergie.

It's a pretty cliche rock-star video clip to be honest, but it's still Slash. I'm allowing myself to post it simply because I'm celebrating that he called off the divorce with his wife.

The guy is frikkin AMAZING.

The Future Is In China

This time lapse shows the construction of a 15 storey hotel in under 4 days. Quite frankly, china is absolutely amazing and inspirational.

Monday, November 15, 2010


I'm crazy.

I was over at my girlfriends the other day and she gave me an orange. It was absolutely lovely. So I went home and literally ate every orange in the house (there were probably only six but it sounds cool). Anyway, it just got me thinking how great fruit is! I'm now committing myself to eat more in-season fruits around the year as it can only be good for you. That's not exactly speculation either, science has already shown that eating in season does have health benefits. And in a world where global warming dominates the contemporary consciousness, buying local and seasonal fruits means less transportation and less energy wasted on artificial growing. So, here's to oranges!

By the way,
It should be compulsory to watch Clockwork Orange at least once in your life...

I could now go on about other things Orange but ABSOFROCKINLUTELY did a fantastic job of it.

Rock on

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Social Networking

Sooooo I had to do some writing on why Social Networking is a good thing for Tearaway. It's not actually that easy to argue! I was on a word restriction and it was a debate-like piece with another really cool Tearaway writer called Tommy, who lives in the Hawkes Bay. We had some fascinating phone calls though most of the stuff we discussed never quite made it into the debate. Here's my rather horrid, typical-teenager side of the writing. I swear I really do usually write better...

"Social Networking, plain and simple, is a truly advantageous tool of the modern age. The bottom line is that despite how much I like to fault it- as most people do- I’ve still got my Facebook. So what is it that keeps us stuck on it? In all honesty, just using some specific examples can underline its usefulness, and although I admit that they may come across as cliché, there’s very valid reasoning behind them becoming so.

Firstly are international friends. My parents were awesome this year and let my brother and I have our pre-ball get-together at our house. Inevitably, lots of photos got taken of everyone dressed up. The next day Mum got an email from a very close family friend who moved to France to live a good number of years ago, saying how lovely we all looked. What the?! Oh, Facebook! For a friend on the other side of the world to get a smile from still being able to watch us grow up, that’s quite magic.

I’ve got another draw card on its way now. My seventh form year has been filled with absolutely wonderful friends (aided by none other than, you guessed it, Facebook), but as we all leave school everyone’s going in literally all directions. Whether it’s elsewhere in New Zealand or even around the world, there are a lot of people to be missed and I’m positive this goes for everyone. Social Networking is going to make it so much easier to keep up with all these people- it’s something our parents never had and in the future it will lead to a very strongly connected world indeed. Already it’s proven its worth by keeping us in touch with friends at other schools, and this can only continue as we begin life in the larger world.

What’s more, there has never been such an efficient and easy way to market ourselves as we go into the workforce. Whether we set our profiles up to accentuate our strengths or use it to keep contacts who may be useful in the future, there isn’t a doubt that the ‘tool’ of online social networking, in this day and age, is quite indispensible. It almost seems that if you do without you’ll fall behind, but if you use it you can very much propel yourself through the world. 
Now, it’s coming up to exam time and I had conformed to the current trend by deactivating my Facebook account in order to concentrate. By the way, that’s another positive- if it all gets too much you can remove the distraction without deleting it. Anyway, preparing for this piece I needed to talk people into doing the Vox Pop. Reactivating my account, all of ten minutes later I had the three responses and snapshots seen here with almost no effort on my part."

In other news, here's a great vid my friend found:

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Strunz & Farah - Bola

At the moment, Rodrigo y Gabriela have kinda secured the popularization of contemporary Spanish guitar meeting world music. But before Rod y Gab, there was Strunz and Farah. This Costa Rican and Iranian duo play some of the most chill and shred-gasmic world music that demands respect and awe from causal listeners to professional musicians alike...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Moving Music

So, last night for Guy Fawks my brother had a huge group of friends around to watch the display in Wellington Harbour and have a few drinks/ mini party. Having been concerned leading up to it, I was madly impressed that a few of them were talented musicians! We took my guitars and keyboard from my bedroom to the living room and had a mean jam which reminded me how fun it always was to have a band. Oh why did I stop this year!?

Anyway, the dose of music got me thinking about talented and/or quirky guitar playing and inevitably Tommy Emmanuel. This song is gold...


Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Headless, originally uploaded by Zaaane.
We kinda maybe somehow smashed a head off these nuns. I think Mum was dusting or something...

Anyway, sooo captivating to take photos of! I love how it totally changes the perfection these porcelain ladies would otherwise have :D

Photography Exhibition

Yay my photography's going up in an exhibition opening this Saturday!

The new mayor of Wellington, Celia Wade-Brown, will be launching it which is ultra-cool too :D

'Junior' 2010 Media Studies Film

A short film made by my friend Max for a Media Studies assessment.
In my opinion there's a bit that could be changed but he had a heck of a lot more ideas and it was a pity we were beaten by the time available :(
But here it is anyway!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Adventure, originally uploaded by Zaaane.
From a Friday afternoon stalking the streets of Wellington with Alasdair and Loulou, starring Loulou's legs...

Green!!! Makes you love living here :)